Emerging Markets
Targeting Middle-class in Emerging Markets: The Case of Brazil
Traditional markets such as the U.S. and Europe provide limited growth opportunities to Western companies due to the market saturation and shrinking middle...

What Types of Regulatory and Pricing Strategies Work When Customers are Likely to Become Competitors?
Business Data Services (BDS), formerly called special access services, are dedicated broadband lines offered by network providers to business customers and...

How the Best Firms Balance Competing Forms of R&D-based Innovation
A recent study found that the odds of firm failure increase significantly after a firm attempts to transition between exploiting current innovations and...

Supply Chain Management
Leading Organizations through Supply Chain Disruptions: An Exploratory Study of Necessary Traits
The recent major disasters have surfaced the long-standing discussion on the importance of leadership in managing disruptions. Hurricanes Harvey and Irma...

Social Media
The Good, Bad, and Ugly Side of Entrepreneurial Marketing: Is Your Social Media Campaign Unveiled, Incognito, or Exposed?
Traditional marketing media have been losing their effectiveness and digital marketing spend is on the rise. The author discusses and demarcates incognito...

Consumer Behavior
Why Luxury Brand Managers Should Pay Attention to Social Class: Not All Counterfeit Users Are Equal
Luxury products are among the most commonly seized counterfeit items by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agency, and the annual confiscation rate...

How Goldman Sachs Turned the Great Recession into Competitive Advantage Using Strategic Management
What are the strategic questions confronting Goldman Sachs in the wake of the Great Recession? Goldman Sachs has been considered the most prestigious investment...

Managing Research Out of the Dark? Exploring Implications and Applications of an Objective Model for the Evaluation of Research Practice and Quality
The quality of research is central to scientific organizations. But how to evaluate research practice and quality when managing research? There is not one...

Human Resources
How and Why Millennials are Shaking Up Organizational Cultures
Much has been written about the Millennial population who will outnumber the Gen-X and Baby Boomer population in the workplace by 2018. This article examines...

Managing and Accounting for Multiple Stakeholders
In this paper I argue that through the research summarized in this short article, substantial progress has been made in overcoming three fundamental barriers to...

Social Behavior
How Do Non-Technological Shocks Affect Interfirm Collaboration?
Shocks generate high uncertainty creating the need for firms to search for solutions to cope with the changed business landscape. One such response is the...