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Articles with managerial significance that address current business trends and challenges are of high interest to RBR. Rutgers Business Review publishes novel and original work that deals with current and emerging business problems and provides perspectives, frameworks, and solutions that can be implemented by the business practice. While the content has to be original and at a high level of academic rigor, the language and tone used in the journal will be managerial, free of academic jargon and grounded in real-world practices, utilizing current executive terminology and illustrative examples. RBR publishes peer reviewed articles, short notes, commentaries, and case studies as well as interviews with leaders from the business world. The most important criteria for publication in RBR is the practical relevance of the topic and the contributions of the manuscript to business management practices. RBR accepts submissions from all business fields including, but not limited to, organization management, strategy, finance, marketing, accounting, supply chain management, managerial economics, business analytics, information systems, and international business. A survey of managers and executives has identified the following priorities:

Digitization: optimal strategies in digital industries; the impact of digitization on businesses; digital advertising and marketing strategies; the impact of digital media on emerging market businesses; trends, opportunities and challenges in digital industries; frameworks and procedures of transitioning brick and mortar and traditional business practices to digital, and integrating off-line organizational structures with online presence; best practices solution for integrating big data analytics and digital intelligence in the strategic decision making process.

Regulation: strategies and solutions to boost innovation, dynamism, growth, and agility in regulated industries (e.g., banking, pharmaceutical, food); compliance and risk management in inter-firm relationships and global sourcing; best practices and legal procedures that mitigate and minimize exposure while enabling flexibility and adaptation.

New Technologies and Innovation: product and process innovation; operational system upgrade solutions; optimal organizational structure and strategies for coping with rapid technological change; implications of cloud based systems for organization structures, processes, and business strategies; importance and role of design in innovation; product launch strategies; product growth analysis and strategies; technology market potential analysis and patent valuation; emergence of disruptive technologies.

Optimal Growth Strategies: positioning, differentiation and customization; product portfolio diversification; cost cutting, efficiencies, supply chain, sourcing, and inventory management strategies; talent management in turbulent and competitive industries; competitive strategies; business development strategies; risk management strategies; global growth and new market entry strategies; growth strategies in economic downturns; entrepreneurial strategies; mergers and acquisitions, and industry consolidation; growth through partnerships; industry growth analysis and new market potential analysis.

While these are the priorities identified by our survey, all papers addressing relevant business topics are invited.

​Submission Guidelines

Rutgers Business Review submissions are free of any charges and fees. We do not have submission chargers or article processing charges.

Authors should email manuscripts in Microsoft Word format (not as latex or PDF) to

Author affiliations and their contact information should only appear on the title page. Title page should be submitted as a separate file and should include manuscript title, full author names and affiliations, email and telephone numbers of every author.

Main document should include the title of the manuscript, a concise abstract (less than 100 words), and the main text including all references, tables and figures. The use of mathematical notations and equations is discouraged. Statistical analyses and results should be presented in a very concise manner by focusing on their practical implications, rather than mathematical formulae. The use of visual data representations such as figures, charts, and graphics is preferred to tables.

Submission types

Regular article submissions: Regular manuscript submission track is intended for articles that provide novel results, tools, frameworks and perspectives for business practice. Manuscript length should not exceed 6000 words or 25 pages written in double spaced format using 12-point font, inclusive of all scholarly apparatus (notes, tables, and figures).

From research to practice: This submission track is dedicated to articles that provide significant managerial insights based on recently published academic studies in premier academic journals. Authors that have recently published or have forthcoming academic research that provides significant contributions to practice are encouraged to write a 1000 to 2000 word manuscript that further explores the managerial implications of their findings using relevant examples in a clear and academic jargon free style.

Cases: RBR also encourages submissions of business cases. Cases can be fictitious or real, and need to be less than 5000 words or 20 pages written in double spaced format using 12 point font, inclusive of all scholarly apparatus (notes, tables, and figures).

Reference Style

Notes and citations should be numbered (superscript) in the text and placed at the end of the sentence, after punctuation. All corresponding notes and references should compiled at the end of the manuscript (endnote format) under the heading “Endnotes”. All bibliographic material should be contained in the endnotes with no additional work cited section. RBR uses numbered endnote style, and references or bibliographies should be folded into the notes (not listed as a separate section). Endnotes should be numbered and ordered according to the citation order in the text.

The following examples can be used as basis for reference format (for less common types of sources such as reports, websites, and government documents please consult APA guidelines):


Brown, S., & Eisenhardt, K.M. (1998). Competing on the Edge. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.

Porter, M. (1985). Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance. New York, NY: Free Press.

Book chapters:

Uslay, C., Yeniyurt, S., & Lee, O.F. (2013). Globalization of Markets: Implications for the Entrepreneurial Firm in the 21st Century. In Entrepreneurial Marketing: A Global Perspective (pp. 111-126), Sethna, Z., Jones, R.,& Harrigan, P. (Eds.), Bingley, U.K.:Emerald.

Journal articles:

Carnovale, S., & Yeniyurt, S. (2015). The Role of Ego Network Structure in Facilitating Ego Network Innovations. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 51(2), 22-46.

Yeniyurt, S., Henke, J.W.Jr., & Yalcinkaya, G. (2014). A Longitudinal Analysis of Supplier Involvement in Buyer's New Product Development: Working Relations, Inter-dependence, Co-innovation, and Performance Outcomes. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 42(3), 291-308.

Sample paragraph with corresponding Endnotes section.

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