This paper explores the disruptive industry and consumer trends that have emerged in the services sector due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Adopting a multi-method approach utilizing secondary data, case studies, and interviews, we examine how service providers realigned their business practices to survive and thrive in these chaotic circumstances. We illustrate innovative solutions and discuss emerging models using several mini-case studies across airline, fitness, restaurant, office fulfillment/replenishing, and other service sectors.
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Ekaterina (Kate) Karniouchina
Mills College
Dr. Kate Karniouchina is the Dean of Lorry I. Lokey School of Business and Public Policy. Kate holds a PhD in Marketing, an MBA, and a BA degree in Finance from the University of Utah. Her work has been widely published in academic and industry journals including the...
Carol Theokary
Mills College
Carol Theokary is the Lynn White, Jr. Associate Professor of Business at the Lokey School of Business and Public Policy. She has earned her Doctorate in Business Administration from Boston University and has started her career as an engineer specializing in...
Kumar Sarangee
Santa Clara University
Kumar Sarangee is an Associate Professor of Marketing and the Director, Executive MBA, at Santa Clara University. He completed his Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His primary research interests include new product innovation, product...
Jeremy Morgan
Rutgers University
Jeremy Morgan is an Instructor of Professional Practice at Rutgers Business School, Newark and New Brunswick. He completed his PhD in marketing at the University of Texas at Arlington. His dissertation focused on maximization, a personality trait that effects decision...
Can Uslay
Rutgers University, USA
Can Uslay is Professor of Marketing, Founding Co-Director of the Center for Market Advantage, and Affiliated Faculty of Supply Chain Management at Rutgers Business School. He is a recipient of the NJ Bright Idea Award, Chancellor's Teaching Excellence Award, the Valerie...
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