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International Business


Global Leadership in an Era of Growing Nationalism, Protectionism, and Anti-Globalization

by Farok Contractor

The rise of nationalistic political leaders has spanned the globe—from Donald Trump and Marine Le Pen in the West, to Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in the Middle East...

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Business man looking out window

Social Behavior


A Push or a Nudge: Understanding Consumer Perceptions of Sales Pressure

by Diana Haytko, Ronald Clarke, James Zboja

The authors share recent research related to consumer perceptions of high pressure sales tactics. A model was developed depicting two types of sales pressure...

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Shaking hands over sales charts



Does Investing in the Long Term Pay Off for Firms?

by David Souder, Philip Bromiley, Scott Mitchell, Greg Reilly

Observers have argued that managers pay too much attention to short term results at the expense of long run value. This article expands on the managerial...

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Clock surrounded by piles of coins

Human Resources

Temporary Organizing - The End of Organizations as We Know Them?

by Jörg Sydow

Organizations make ample use not only of temporary employment and contract work but also of projects, perhaps the most popular form of temporary organizing...

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Organizational Chart


Human Resources

Measuring Cultural Intelligence: Implications and Opportunities

by David Thomas

Cultural intelligence is an ability that varies with individuals and explains differences in intercultural effectiveness. This ability is difficult to assess...

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World map with flags

Social Behavior

Inspirational Appeals Are More Effective: The Influence of Strength Emotions on Persuasion and Donation

by Jianping Liang, Zengxiang Chen, Jing Lei

It is well acknowledged that people are more likely to donate when they feel sad about the victim of an unfortunate situation and empathize with the victim...

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Sad dog


Maximizing Value in Board Decisions: The Role of the Decision Quality Officer

by Andrea Marino, Wayne Eastman

In this paper we integrate the literature on decision quality with considerations specific to boards of directors. In order to maximize the value of their...

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Legal weights


Learning and Specialization in Strategic Alliances

by Korcan Kavusan, Niels Noorderhaven, Geert Duysters

We explore the conditions enabling partners in strategic alliances to acquire valuable technological knowledge from each other, and to specialize in...

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Hands piled in a circle

International Business


How the Quality of Macro-Institutions and Corporate Governance Influence International Profit Shifting?

by Anish Sugathan, Rejie George

Profit shifting structures deployed for tax management by many multinational corporations have recently come under intense regulatory scrutiny and heated public...

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Magnifying glass on 100 dollar bill

International Business


Taking Advantage of R&D Offshoring beyond Innovation

by Alicia Rodríguez, María Jesús Nieto

Globalization, technological advances and the demands of international competition have driven firms to develop activities in their value chains abroad...

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Why was the FCC’s Privacy Order Dead on Arrival? A New Approach to Evaluating Privacy Regulation

by Victor Glass

The Federal Communications Commission issued a Privacy Order restricting the use of personal data by Internet Service Providers. Many consumer advocates hailed...

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Using a smartphone

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