Yurii Umantsiv
State University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv, Ukraine
Yurii Umantsiv is the head of the Department of Economics and Competition Policy of the State University of Trade and Economics, where he is also the guarantor of the second-level higher education program «Antitrust Management». In his research, Yurii focuses on the problems of the methodology of economics, competition and competition policy, as well as the functioning of corporations in conditions of global instability. Yurii provides consultations to companies in the financial and non-financial sectors and actively cooperates with a number of state authorities and local governments. The scientist is a member of a number of editorial boards of scientific publications of the USA and Ukraine. Yurii trained ten doctors of philosophy. The scientist was a participant in numerous international scientific and practical symposia, conferences and trainings. Yurii constantly implements innovative teaching methods, ensures the integration of education, science and business.