Wayne Eastman
Rutgers Business School
Wayne Eastman is a Professor in the Supply Chain Management Department of Rutgers Business School-Newark and Newark Brunswick. Before joining Rutgers, he practiced law as a prosecutor of white collar crime, Wall Street litigator, and National Labor Relations Board attorney. He has published widely in business ethics, management, and law journals. His current academic research program, reflected in his book Why Business Ethics Matters: Answers from a New Game Theory Model (Palgrave, 2015) focuses on business ethics. He is working with others to develop a new subfield, critical business ethics, which emphasizes the need for a self-critical, reflexive approach to research and practice. In his teaching, Professor Eastman focuses on business law, in which he emphasizes skills in making effective arguments, as well as business ethics, in which he emphasizes skills in harmonizing as a leader and a follower with different people and groups. Professor Eastman has an active applied research program, focusing on board governance, life and career governance, and educational policy, that aligns with his administrative activities as vice chair of the SCMMS Department from 2009 to 2016 and with his civic commitments as a member of the South Orange-Maplewood Board of Education from 2006 to 2016 and president of the board from 2015 to 2016, past president of a Unitarian Universalist congregation in Orange, and founder of a non-profit, GlobalSOMA, that promotes South Orange and Maplewood, New Jersey as international communities. He has testified multiple times in Trenton in favor of tenure reform.