Lei Lei
Rutgers University, USA
Lei Lei is the Dean of Rutgers Business School, Newark and New Brunswick. Dean Lei Lei received her Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from the University of Wisconsin (Madison) with a minor in Computer Sciences. She has served as the dissertation advisor for many Ph.D. students, co-guest editor for Annals of Operations Research, associate editor of IIE Transactions, and Naval Research Logistics. She was a member of the review board of Journal of Supply Chain Management and the review panel of the National Science Foundation. Her research expertise includes supply chain network design and optimization, operations planning, scheduling and process recovery after disruptions, demand-supply planning, and resource allocation optimization. Dean Lei has over 50 refereed publications, including from journals such as Management Science, INFORMS Journal on Computing, Interfaces, IIE Transactions, European Journal of Operations Research, Journal of Operational Research Society, and Naval Research Logistics. She was the leading researcher for an industry distribution network design project that led to a potential savings of millions of dollars in 2004. She was a semi-finalist for the 2002 INFORMS Franz Edelman Award for Achievement in Operations Research and Management Science. She was also the Principal Investigator of a major government research grant on pharmaceutical supply chains (2011-2013). Dean Lei is a recipient of numerous best teacher awards at Rutgers Business School; was named one of the two Most Popular Business Professors at Rutgers University by Business Week; and was selected as one of the Top 50 Women in Business in 2015 by NJBIZ. She was nominated as the U.S. Professor of the Year (2010) and is the Founding Director of the Rutgers Center for Supply Chain Management. After serving as the founding chair of Department of Supply Chain Management from 2008-2014, she is now the Dean of Rutgers Business School.