Bart Tkaczyk
University of California at Berkeley
Bart Tkaczyk (drtkaczyk.com), Fulbright Scholar at the University of California at Berkeley, is the Chief Executive and the Head of Learning and Capability Directorate at Energizers, LLC, a strategic advisory firm. Working across industries worldwide, his executive coaching and management consulting assignments have included projects with AstraZeneca, Cisco Systems, Estée Lauder, Fluor, HP, Moody’s Analytics, and Oracle. He has published his award-winning research and global thought leadership in leading business and strategic management journals in Canada, the UAE, the UK, and the USA, including Arab Investor, Design Management Review, Development and Learning in Organizations, European Business Review, European Financial Review, Global Business and Organizational Excellence, Ivey Business Journal, Leadership Excellence, Strategic Change, Strategic HR Review, and Talent Development, among others. His professional affiliations and service include: Academy of Management in the USA (Divisions: Management Consulting, Human Resources, Organizational Behavior, and Organization Development and Change), Executive Member; Association for Talent Development in the USA, Author and Member; British Academy of Management in the UK, Member; Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development in the UK, Member – the CIPD is incorporated under Royal Charter. He blogs about management consulting, strategic HR, behavioral insights, and positive organization development at the Association for Talent Development – the world’s largest professional association dedicated to those who develop talent in organizations: www.td.org/user/about/BartTkaczyk-000001. He tweets at: @DrBTkaczykMBA.