Thomas Y. Choi
Arizona State University
Thomas Choi is a Professor of Supply Chain Management at the W. P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University. He leads the study of the upstream side of supply chains, where a buying company interfaces with many suppliers organized in various forms of networks. He has published articles in the Academy of Management Executive, Decision Sciences Journal, Decision Support Systems, Harvard Business Review, Journal of Management, Journal of Operations Management, Journal of Supply Chain Management, Production and Operations Management, and others. He currently serves as co-director of the Complex Adaptive Supply Networks Research Accelerator (CASN-RA), an international research group of scholars interested in supply networks. He has also worked with numerous public and private organizations including LG Electronics, Samsung, Toyota, Volvo, the U.S. Department of Energy, and a federal government think tank. He has co-authored three practitioner books on supply management including one recently published on Supply Chain Financing.