Simon Templar
Cranfield University
Simon Templar is a qualified management accountant and a visiting Fellow at Cranfield University and Royal Holloway, University of London. Simon has over 20 years' industrial and managerial experience before joining Cranfield University. Simon completed his PhD at Cranfield in 2013 and lectures on management accounting and supply chain costing. His research interests are related to supply chain finance and costing. Simon has authored and collaborated on journal, conference and practitioner papers. Simon’s work was recognized by the International Federation of Accountants, Articles of Merit Award Program for Distinguished Contribution to Management Accounting in 2005. His recent books include Supply Chain Management Accounting: Managing Profitability, Working Capital and Asset Utilization (2019), and he co-authored Financing the End-To-End Supply Chain: A Reference Guide to Supply Chain Finance (2020). Simon is a founding member of the Supply Chain Finance Community, a non-for-profit association, which aims to share supply chain finance good practice and research.