Lorenzo Lucianetti
University of Chieti and Pescara
Lorenzo Lucianetti, Phd, CPA is associate professor in Business Administration at the Department of Management and Business Administration at the University of Chieti and Pescara (Italy) and visiting research fellow at University of Cranfield (UK). He is an Auditor and a Certified Public Accountant and He is a regular speaker at academic and practitioner conferences at both national and international level. Lorenzo’s research appears in Journals such as Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Operations Management, Journal of Organizational Behavior, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Management Accounting Research. Lorenzo’s research has an inter-disciplinary focus that spans multiple disciplines including Accountancy (Financial Reporting), Operations Management (Performance Measures Systems), General Management (Ethical Leadership), Business Ethics (both in Management and in the Accounting profession), Psychology (Abusive Supervision and Mistreatment on the workplace).