Lisa M. Amoroso
Dominican University
Lisa M. Amoroso, PhD, is a Professor of Management at the Brennan School of Business, Dominican University. She holds the John and Jeanne Rowe Distinguished Professorship and serves as the faculty lead for the business school’s diversity and equity initiatives. She completed her PhD in a joint program in sociology and organization behavior at the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University. Her research on diversity education, social identity, status hierarchies, and student learning has been published in variety of journals including Group Dynamics, Psychological Inquiry and Journal of Management Education. She is the co-author with Charles Ragin of Constructing Social Research (SAGE Publications). She serves on the editorial board for the Journal of Management Education. Amoroso received the Brennan Excellence in Teaching Award and Roosevelt University’s Excellence in Teaching Award. She also works to reduce violence as certified workshop leader and board member for IMPACT Chicago, an empowerment-based self-defense non-profit.