Korcan Kavusan
Erasmus University
Korcan Kavusan is an Assistant Professor of Global Strategy in the Department of Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, the Netherlands. He obtained his Ph.D. in 2014 in Tilburg University, the Netherlands. His research focuses on innovation and corporate development activities, such as strategic alliances and acquisitions, with a focus on high-technology industries such as information and communication technologies and pharmaceutical biotechnology. The four main themes of his research are: (1) antecedents of technological capability development through strategic alliances (2) transfer of managerial capabilities across alliances and acquisitions, and (3) evolution of technology firms’ alliance portfolios over time, and (4) the role of top management team in target selection in technology acquisitions. His research is published in Research Policy. In addition to doing research, Korcan teaches courses on strategic management, innovation through alliances and acquisitions, and international business at undergraduate and graduate levels.