Geert Duysters
Tilburg University
Geert Duysters is a full professor of entrepreneurship and innovation at Tilburg University. He currently acts as vice dean of research at the Tilburg School of Economics and Management (TISEM). He is also the scientific director of CentER. CentER is an internationally acclaimed research institute at the Tilburg School of Economics and Management in the Netherlands. His academic research mainly concerns corporate entrepreneurship, international business strategies, innovation strategies, mergers and acquisitions, network analytical methods and strategic alliances. He has published 7 books, over 100 international refereed articles and book chapters. His interest in business strategies and innovation strategies is not only academic, as he worked as a consultant (senior manager) for KPMG Alliances at the international headquarters in Amstelveen (the Netherlands). He also acted as a founding global board member of the Association of Strategic Alliance Professionals (ASAP). As an entrepreneur he founded three Internet companies.