Adam B. Cohen, Ph.D
University of Pennsylvania
Adam B. Cohen (Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania) is Associate Professor of psychology at Arizona State University, USA. His research focuses on the cultural psychology of religion. He is the author of about 80 published articles and chapters, and the editor of Culture Reexamined (published by the American Psychological Association). He currently serves as associate editor of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
He was the 2009 Margaret Gorman early career award winner from the American Psychological Association and the 2013 Godin prize winner from the International Association for the Psychology of Religion. He is a fellow of the Society of Experimental Social Psychology and of the Society of Personality and Social Psychology, and his research has been funded by DARPA, AFOSR, NSF, and the Templeton Foundation. He is increasingly interested in bringing the study of religion into the field of management.